Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thing #3

Wow! It's taken me forever to get started and I'll admit I'm kinda nervous about all this, but I'll give it a shot. I don't want to regret not doing it later. A quick review of the 7 1/2 things is determine goal, participate in acquiring a new skill, view problems as challenges, don't think it or say it unless you want it to be true, create your own learning toolbox, use technology to your advantage, reinforce your own learning, and play, be curious, read. As far as the 7 1/2 habits pertain to this particular task, the hardest for me is #4 - having confidence in myself as an effective learner and the easiest is play. The most important point we learned from the tutorial is that lifelong learning is all about having the right attitude. So I will repeat this to myself - I will, I can, I do.

1 comment:

Jerianne said...

Alright! Welcome aboard!